Modifier Sets

Modifier Sets

Modifier Sets will show up on the kiosk as configured on the Square POS and dashboard. It is important to make sure that your modifier set min, max are configured as you would like for the kiosk to display.

Below is a summary of Square modifier set min, max:

  • If you’ve created a modifier list on your Square POS, it defaults to being optional with a min =0 and max = total number of modifiers
  • If you’ve selected “Customer can only select one modifier” on the Edit Modifier Set page, it will be a required modifier set with a min = 1, max = 1.
  • If you did NOT select “Customer can only select one modifier” on the Edit Modifier Set page nor customized the modifier set on the item level, it will be an optional with a min = 0 and max = total # of modifiers in the set.
  • Any modifier set customization at the item level will reflect on the kiosk as configured

**!!!* Remember that it’s no longer your staff who is seeing your Square catalog, your customers will see it on the kiosk as well. Therefore, it is vital to make sure category, item, modifier list, modifier names are all understandable.*

May 21, 2024

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